Big Data Management Platform
The Big Data Management Platform provides a shared, scalable computational infrastructure to handle the vast amounts of data produced by the various technology platforms at CPR, such as raw mass spectrometry and imaging data.
The Big Data Management Platform operates a professional large-scale storage solution to capture instrument data directly from the instrument computers and to safely store, backup, and archive them. This system manages the data from all other platforms at CPR and is designed to scale with the continuous growth in data.
The storage solution is physically collocated with the Danish Life-Science Supercomputer ‘Computerome’, and we provide researchers at CPR with the possibility to use this shared compute infrastructure to analyze their data.
The supercomputer is managed jointly by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC).
More recently the platform has taken over the management of the high-security servers, which handle patient-sensitive data for the Brunak and Jensen groups